
The Charlotte Letter


It started as a love letter to Charlotte…

My niece, Charlotte, suffered a birth injury leaving her with Cerebral Palsy, DeafBlindness, a feeding tube, and a bunch of other diagnoses. As she’s gotten older, her parents (Kameron and Stephanie) noticed that most of the adaptive clothing drops off at about 5T, when kids are no longer dependent on a caretaker to dress them. And if it’s considered “adaptive”, it may only solve one problem that a kid with special needs may have.

Knowing that there’s other kids out there like Charlotte, they started designing a romper that solved 8-9 issues while still being a fashionable, everyday outfit that kids and their parents would want them to wear.

My task was to come up with a playful brand identity that pairs the energy and joy of these kids while celebrating with makes them special. Along with some t-shirts that are sold to help offset the costs of the USA-made rompers.

Since launching we’ve started a series called “Letters to Charlotte”, where young kids can ask questions about Charlotte and her diagnoses, in order to encourage curiosity and open up the dialogue about kids with special needs.

New adaptive clothing, like joggers and weighted jackets, are coming in early 2022 and are currently in production.